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IPBES Report on Biodiversity and Pandemics: Experts Warn Worse Crisis to Come

Cover photo IPBES Pandemics Report.The four images on the brochure show a landscape, a crowd, several piglets and a symbolic image of a virus.

Cover photo IPBES Pandemics Report. Photo:trello.

In the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) convened a virtual workshop about the links between degradation of nature and increasing pandemic risks. As a result of the workshop, 22 leading experts published a report on biodiversity and pandemics. The authors warn that Future pandemics will emerge more often, spread more rapidly, do more damage to the world economy and kill more people than COVID-19 unless there is a transformative change in the global approach to dealing with infectious diseases.

Please find more information, incl. a PDF version,

as well as a video about the report here.